Vashon Rotary – a new memb app & dates upcoming

BLOOD DRIVE – Thursday, June 6 at Lutheran Church
If you can volunteer to staff the snack table for 2 hours, contact Kim Richards:
Shifts are 1-3, 3-5 and 5-7:00. Kim is coordinating with Bloodworks to set this up, pinch-hitting for Roy who is recovering in the hospital and hopefully headed home soon.

NEW MEMBER APPLICATION from Zain Zeineldein for your review! 
Please send any comments or questions to Earl or Linda… or

Attached is updated status, as I know it.  James has details on volunteer slots remaining to be filled.
PLEASE do not commit to any more expenses… we need to tighten our belts, reduce some expenses, sell tickets and sell more tickets.


May 30:  NO NOON MEETING.  Instead, a potluck dinner and Rotary display prep, Jan’s house 5 p.m.  Bring a Mexican-themed food to share.  I’ll have quesadillas and various beverages….work around that.

June 6:   Speaker is David Hall with an update on the Shelter Box disaster relief program
Greeter:   needed at Chautauqua

June 13 and 20:  Final Blues & Brews prep – meet at Chautauqua
Greeter June 13:  needed
Greeter June 20:  Collin

June 22 – Rotary District training event in Seattle – details below

June 27 – no meeting at Chautauqua.  Instead, fence and other set-up at The Meadow at O-Space.  Start time TBD

June 28 – More set up

June 29  – Blues and Brews

June 30  Clean-up starts at 9 a.m.  Decompression & relaxing – burgers & beverages at Bianchi’s

July 4 – no meeting.  Happy Fourth!

July 10 – our turn to cook and serve Wednesday Night Dinner.  Contact Bill Weller if you can help,
We need a cook, veggie pick-up & prep, diningroom set up, servers and clean up crew

July 11 – all-member planning and kickoff meeting for our new Rotary year
Location  TBD….Chautauqua may not be our meeting place this summer 
Greeter:  Needed

July 18 – Meeting somewhere (probably not Chautauqua)

July 19-21  Festival set up, operation & tear down…shortcake & sundaes…there will again be a ‘pool’ to guess our profits with a cool prize for the winner!  We still need booth volunteers on Sat 3:00 thru clean-up, and one more for each of Sunday’s shifts, 9-12, 12-3, 3 thru clean-up, and a couple more strong people to dismantle the booth.

July 25  Meeting somewhere TBD

DISTRICT ASSEMBLY is really a great training workshop for all Rotarians
The District is adapting and adjusting in many ways, and embracing technology that will make it easier to communicate with the clubs and especially the various committees is just one of the changes.
New tools are being introduce along with new marketing plans for membership.
The District Assembly is June 22, 2019 at Shoreline Community College.
It starts at 8:15 AM and will last until 12:45 PM
There will be 18 various breakouts to select from including:  Public Image, Social Media, Marketing, Membership, Business Networking, Visioning, Peace, Training
Note from Jan about this:  I have attended this annual workshop in the past, and it has been really good….time very well spent.

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